Here's what I know:
Genetic testing is the key to providing you with more personalized care
Your genes can give you such specific insights into how your body works
What does that mean for you?
You'll be able to tailor your diet and lifestyle choices around what’s best for your body
You're still learning about the full range of benefits that genetic testing can provide.
You're wondering what the real impact is on your life.
You have questions and concerns.
You're curious as to what genetic testing is and the benefits it can deliver.
Here are a few common questions I encounter when it comes to genetic testing.
1. "Aren't my genes set in stone? If I can't change anything, why get tested?"
It's true that you can't change our DNA code. However, how your genes are expressed is a different story. Your genes express themselves in different ways. They affect how we interact with the world around us. The world around us affects how our genes express themselves. That means that your lifestyle and food choices can influence how your genes work. Your genes aren't set in stone. There's a lot you can do to help them impact your health.
2. "Isn't genetic testing just used to determine my ancestry?"
Genetic testing has become popular in the past decade through ancestry companies. They can test your DNA and track your family's history. But genetic testing can be used for a lot more than seeing where you came from. It can be used in a more proactive way. Genetic testing can tell you how your body functions, right down to the cellular level. It can help you understand how your body processes nutrients, how it metabolizes caffeine, how well it handles inflammation, and much more. It can help you look forward to a healthy future as well as backwards to your ancestors.
3. "Can't my genetic test be shared? What if my employer finds out about my results?"
It's a common concern to worry about whose hands your genetic test will fall into. You may wonder if it'll be used for malicious purposes. But HIPAA laws prevent practitioners from sharing information about a patient's genetic test. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) protects individuals from being discriminated against for what's in that test. That means that your employer can't make hiring or firing decisions, nor can your health insurance company restrict coverage, based on a genetic test. Read this past article to learn more.
4. "Is the science even advanced enough around genetic testing to make it applicable?"
Our knowledge of all areas of science is always evolving. The study of genetics has come a long way since DNA was first studied in the 1950s. Like any other science, our knowledge around genes, their expression, and how they impact health and functionality increases each day. And like with any other science, we practice with what we have, and expand our practice as our knowledge expands. We would never hold back the ability to help a patient just because someone thinks science "isn't there yet"!
5. "Isn't genetic testing only really looking at one or two genes?"
Some genes are more popular or given more attention than others. But genes can't be looked at by themselves. What matters is how your genes work together to create an overall picture of your health and wellness. I like to say that knowing your genes is like having a blueprint to how your system works. Just as you would never try to build a house with the plans for just one wall or floor, you wouldn't just look at one or two genes in isolation.
6. "Isn't genetic testing just for genetic testing's sake? Will I be able to use any of that information practically?"
The results from a genetic test don't stand alone. They can be used to make your care much more personalized, can help determine better foods for you to eat, can influence better lifestyle choices, can lead to more targeted screening and testing, can point the way towards the best supplements, and more. Genetic testing isn't something to take in isolation but can be incorporated into the portfolio of healthcare approaches.
7. "Isn't genetic testing just used to predict the possibility that I have a specific disease?"
Genetic testing can certainly screen for certain genetic variants to determine if you might be more predisposed to a disease. Many people use genetic testing in just that way. But genetic testing can be used for much more. It can inform your lifestyle and food choices to address root causes of illness and disease before they even start. Nutrigenetic tests focus on food choices and lifestyle changes. Medical genetic tests look for rare genetic variants that may by themselves cause disease.